
Millions of Eagle Tattoos

The most badass eagle tattoos you ever will see! Long live the mighty eagle tattoo. Are you a patriotic American in search of a Bald Eagle tattoo? Or you Swedish and simply have a thing for eagle tattoos? Neither!? hWhat is the first thing that crosses your mind when you think of an eagle? Dominance? Strength? Ferocity? Indeed, an eagle symbolizes all of those things. However, an eagle is also a sign of spirituality and wisdom. Mostly, an eagle (tattoo) is associated with the United States, but the eagle as a cultural representation has been around for many years.

Eagles symbolization dates back to the ancient Greece. The Greeks looked at eagles as the embodiments of masculine strength and virility. The Greek god Zeus was also associated with the Eagle. That is why, when Greeks depicted an eagle, they depicted an eagle carrying a lightning bolt, which is the ultimate symbol of Zeus.

20. American Flag and Eagle Tattoo

Millions of Eagle Tattoos

As I’ve mentioned, eagles are commonly associated with the United States. Why? Every state has its flower, motto, and official bird. But, above them all is the bald eagle, flying highest of them all and watching the other birds closely. Images of the bald eagle can be found almost anywhere – coins, paper currencies, passports, and even the president’s official seal. If you are a resident of the United States and love your country, then this is definitely a tattoo you have been looking for.

19. Harley Davidson Eagle Tattoo

Millions of Eagle Tattoos

But, an eagle does not only represent the USA. It is also a symbol of a very famous, well, the most famous motorcycle company – Harley Davidson. If you have passion towards motorbikes, and instead blood oil runs through your veins, then an eagle tattoo like this is the only tattoo choice for you!

18. Eagle and Rose Tattoo

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Millions of Eagle Tattoos

Eagles are truly majestic creatures. They are dangerous, but they also have a sweet side. I mean, there is a reason why they are a symbol of virility, and with this tattoo possibly romance. An eagle tattoo may also represent protection, guardianship, nobility, and purity. So, if you have a person in your life who has all these virtues, you may get an eagle tattoo that will symbolize them and help you always keep them by your side.

17. Flying Eagle Tattoo

Millions of Eagle Tattoos

Yes, eagles are very beautiful when still. But, they are majestic in the air. That is where all their magic happens. They rise higher than any other bird and stalk their prey wisely. A tattoo which depicts an eagle in mid-air may be the perfect symbol of your ascension, freedom and even power.

16. Aztec Eagle Tattoo

Millions of Eagle Tattoos

I may be wrong, but I am pretty sure that this is an Aztec eagle tattoo. It may be Mayan also. However, both of these cultures had same beliefs about eagles. They believed that an eagle carries away the veil of dark over our existence and awareness. Eagles are affiliated with the dawning sun, and they are able to shine light into our world.

15. American Flag and Eagle Tattoo II

Millions of Eagle Tattoos

So, we’ve clarified that an eagle symbol is very common in the United States. But, do you know when did it become an official symbol? Back in 1782, an idea for the bald eagle to symbolize America was proposed to the newly-formed Congress. It was immediately accepted. The bald eagle was adopted as the emblem of the United States in 1787.


14. Goddess Isis Under Breast Tattoo

Millions of Eagle Tattoos

I am aware that this is not an eagle tattoo, but I believe it falls within this category because of its meaning. Do you recognize this tattoo? It is very similar to Rihanna’s tattoo at this exact place. This tattoo depicts goddess Isis. The goddess was a symbol of (pharaoh’s) power in ancient Egypt. She was worshiped as the ideal mother and wife, and she was the mother of hawk-headed god of war – Horus. So, this may not be an eagle tattoo, but the goddess’s wings are very similar to an eagle’s and this may be the feminine version of an eagle tattoo.

13. Simple Eagle Tattoo

Millions of Eagle Tattoos

Besides the goddess Isis tattoo, there are also a couple of other feminine designs. Power does not only have to be associated with large eagle tattoos. A small eagle tattoo represents the same thing large eagle tattoo does. It is only a bit more subtle.

12. Mid-Air Eagle Tattoo

Millions of Eagle Tattoos

Besides power and dominance, an eagle tattoo may actually present an opportunity. And this tattoo can be a great symbol of your power and readiness to capture that opportunity, at the same time. Besides these meanings, an eagle also represents clarity, vision, and focus.

11. American Flag and Eagle Tattoo III

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Millions of Eagle Tattoos

Let’s continue our story about eagles and American history. We were in 1782 when an eagle was accepted as a symbol of America and in 1787 the bald eagle became the emblem of the country. I’ve told you that the proposition for an eagle as the symbol of country was accepted immediately. Why? Well, because an eagle is associated with authority and statehood. The fact that the eagle was used as the symbol of governmental power even in ancient Greece helped the decision be even easier.

10. American Flag and Eagle Tattoo IV

Millions of Eagle Tattoos

Presidents of the United States are also very satisfied with the wise decisions their founding fathers made. John F. Kennedy said:

“The founding fathers made an appropriate choice when they selected the bald eagle as the emblem of the nation . The fierce beauty and proud independence of this great bird aptly symbolizes the strength and freedom of America.”

9. Back Eagle Tattoo

Millions of Eagle Tattoos

An eagle tattoo will look utterly perfect (and also very manly) on a man’s back. If you have more tattoos on your body, don’t worry. An eagle tattoo will go well with them too, as you can see in the example above.

8. Bald Eagle Tattoo

Millions of Eagle Tattoos

Well, with the last eagle tattoo my story ended. Unfortunately, I’ve told you all there is. But, lucky for you there is a large number of bald eagle tattoos. This is one of them, but with an American flag. Of course, this eagle would look as fierce and beautiful, even without the flag wrapped between its wings.

7. Neck Eagle Tattoo

Millions of Eagle Tattoos

Eagle tattoos are not only popular among men. Yes, men are usually associated with strength, but a woman also has huge power and strength within her. Women are capable of doing things that are somehow typical for men. It doesn’t mean if you are smaller and feminine that you are not powerful. And your eagle tattoo will perfectly represent your power. Or, it can represent your wisdom, spirituality, purity and freedom.

6. Eagle Head Tattoo

Millions of Eagle Tattoos

What makes an eagle look so fearless? Its body is pretty strong and tough, but I think its eyes say it all. The eyes of an eagle show its focus, clarity, willpower, limitlessness, and fearlessness. Therefore, you don’t need to get a tattoo of the entire eagle. An eagle head tattoo is capable of showing the most powerful virtues of this majestic creature.


5. Eagle Wing Tattoo


Millions of Eagle Tattoos

But, you don’t even have to get an eagle head nor body. Sometimes, its wings are enough if you want to stress out the importance of freedom in your life. This tattoo would look amazing if you get another wing on your other hand and possibly an eagle’s body (connected to the wings) on your back. When you lift your hands and show off your back, you would get one of the most amazing tattoos ever.

4. Incredible Eagle Tattoo

Millions of Eagle Tattoos

This is a truly amazing eagle tattoo. I think it is one of the best eagle tattoos ever. The color adds the spark and makes the tattoo truly special. Also, the lines across the eagle make it seem somehow more realistic, vulnerable and alive.

3. The Flight of An Eagle

Millions of Eagle Tattoos

This eagle tattoo is much different than the other tattoos we have shown you. You don’t see an eagle up close, but you see it’s flight. This simple tattoo can send such a powerful message. You know that eagles were associated with gods, right? Well, imagine the power of the gods clapping like thunder with each flap of their (eagle’s) wings. Every crack of thunder slowly, but consistently, damages the barriers and blockages in your life. After a couple of claps, the difficulties will be entirely gone and shattered.

2. Bald Eagle Tattoo

Millions of Eagle Tattoos

Not everyone was up for having an eagle as the national symbol. Benjamin Franklin was one of these men. Luckily, others were in favor of the bald eagle. If Franklin had it his way, the national bird would have been a turkey. Imagine a turkey wrapped inside this flag. Hilarious!

1. Watercolor Eagle Tattoo

Millions of Eagle Tattoos

When tattooed in colors, this beautiful bird becomes splendent. Native Americans embraced this incredible bird as a symbol of spiritual power. This bird’s ability to fly high above the mountains, while being bathed in sunlight, is what made eagles “the Messenger of Gods.” If you are looking for an outstanding, unique, and beautiful eagle tattoo (and you are, that is why you are here), then you should definitely consider embracing this amazing eagle tattoo design.



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Millions of Eagle Tattoos

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