
37 Ear Tattoos – See Which Made Our #1

Ear Tattoos that will make you want to get one! These are our favorites.Your ears are two of the most exposed parts of your body. So if you are thinking about having ear tattoos be sure to choose a design that compliments you, because an ear tattoo can be difficult to hide forever. Whether the design has symbolic meaning or something you simply happen to like, be sure to choose the one that you would be proud to flaunt. Or something that would look good with jewelry or any outfit. Here are some ideas for an ear tattoo.

1. Antique Key Ear Tattoo

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The simple but beautiful curves and lines make this this skeleton key look enigmatic and vintage. The key itself holds so many meanings and the heart design on it as well as little hearts beside make this ear tattoo look like it bears a message that is more personal in nature.  This antique key tattoo behind the ear is perfect for lovers of vintage art.

2. Feather Ear Tattoo

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This feather ear tattoo can be symbolic. A feather tattoo is said to be centered around Native American themes but it can also be interpreted in various ways. Native Americans look at feathers as a representation of birds and birds are associated with flight and freedom. Therefore a feather can be a symbol of freedom, travel, free spirit and journey. Putting a feather on or behind your ear can mean that you value your freedom and being able to go anywhere just like a bird.

3. Flower Ear Tattoo with a Jewel

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This ear tattoo is very feminine and stylish. Its a simple but very chic way of combining a flower ear tattoo and something sparkly. This kind of ear tattoo can be drawn around an actual ear piercing. But because an ear piercing provides only one definite and permanent area, you might want to use different designs of body jewelry to achieve different styles. On the other hand, another way to achieve this effect is to simply use a body sticker in the middle of a flower ear tattoo. With the use of a body sticker, you can add the sparkly element anywhere around or in the tattoo.

4. Tribal Owl Ear Tattoo

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Uniqueness and identity are two things that make tribal art or designs appealing. An owl tattoo with tribal elements has a primitive appeal that makes the bearer look unique and full of wild character. An owl is known for its ability to see in the dark. Having an owl tattoo on the ear gives people an impression that you can see far beyond the physical aspect of a certain individual.

5. Seahorse Ear Tattoo

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Do you love the ocean? Are you mesmerized by the serenity and calmness that it brings? Do you want to be able to swim in mysterious waters for hours and enjoy the never ending feeling of freedom? It must be so cool to roam the ocean world as a seahorse. If you can’t be one, then put one on your ear.  A seahorse on the other hand is a unique creature. Crystalinks describes the seahorse as a creature that is calm and contented with who and what they are. So if you believe that you are happy with yourself and there is not one bit of you that needs to be changed, you can then express that message by getting a seahorse ear tattoo.

6. Mandala-Inspired Ear Tattoo

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This tattoo is Mandala-inspired. Apart from its aesthetic appeal, it has a spiritual connection to the universe. According to Wikipedia, the mandala represents an enlightened mind. Having a mandala-inspired ear tattoo is more than just a design. You can have this tattoo to represent the enlightened state of your mind and personality.

7. Cat Ear Tattoo

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This ear tattoo featuring a silhouette of a cat is purrrr-fect for any cat-lover. In ancient times, cats are viewed as guardians. It would be awesome to have this cat as an ear tattoo. It can make you feel safe. But whatever reason one may have for getting a cat ear tattoo, this silhouette of a cat with a red scarf around the neck is simple but attractive and bewitching.

8. Blue Bird Ear Tattoo

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This blue bird is so cute and it is absolutely attractive to have on your skin. This piece right here is a definite head turner with its bright blue color. It appears like the little blue bird is telling the bearer of the tattoo something. On the other hand a bird symbolizes freedom and greatness. So a bird tattoo behind your ear can carry a more meaningful and personal message. You can choose to have it in another color or combination of colors.

9. Crown Ear Tattoo

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You don’t need a jewel-studded gold crown to feel like royalty. And a crown doesn’t have to be exclusively worn on your head. You can have it imprinted on your skin–on your ear. This simple ear tattoo that features a crown has been done neatly and with very good details. You can get this kind of tattoo if you want to feel like a king or queen whether you have a real crown or not.

10. Skull Ear Tattoo

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Why be scared of skulls if we all have one? It is part of our anatomy. Therefore, there is absolutely nothing wrong with having a skull for an ear tattoo. And if skulls make you feel scared then conquer your fear by putting a skull design on your ear. Not only that you get to see it in the mirror every day, you also get to face your fear. Whatever meaning skulls may hold for you, it looks absolutely bad-ass to have a skull ear tattoo.

10. Rose Ear Tattoo

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According to Underground Ink, a red rose is associated with romance and passion. So if you feel romantic and burning with passion a rose tattoo on the ear is perfect. On the other hand, The Almighty Guru says that you give red roses to people for whom you want to express passion and love or for whom you want to show respect and appreciation. Having said that, putting a rose tattoo on your ear can imply that you are ready to give love and respect to anybody who deserves it.

11. Endearment Ear Tattoo

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Feeling a little romantic with someone special? If spoken words are not enough to express how dear someone is to you, why not have the words tattooed behind your ear. On the other hand, does it make you feel very special when someone whispers endearments to your ear? Have that special word or phrase written on your ear and the words will constantly sound like music that continues to play.

12. Musical Notes Ear Tattoo

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Are you a music lover? If so, then express your love for melody by having musical elements, such as notes, tattooed on or behind your ear. The possibilities are endless and you don’t have to limit yourself to two or three musical notes. You can even have the G-clef or the F-clef or any symbol that is related to music. This tattoo is simply “music to your ear.”

12. Cartoon Character Ear Tattoo

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Hey, where is Wally? Having Wally behind your ear can take you back to your happy and colorful childhood days as Wally is the famous character from “Where’s Wally?” illustrated book series by  Martin Handford. But you can also use other famous characters besides Wally

13. Peter Pan-Inspired Ear Tattoo

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 Relive your fantasies of flying by getting a tattoo inspired by Peter Pan. This is a classic reminder that you should always think about happy thoughts. Well, without further delving into the possible message of this design, you can just say if you are a die-hard Peter Pan follower you can have this tattooed behind your ear.

14. Earring Style Tattoo

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Would you like to have an earring that’s more permanent and won’t come off. Then you can have a tattoo like this one. The leaf design looks like a fancy earring. Complete the look with a nice gem stud or a sparkly body sticker and don’t limit yourself to leaves and branches. You can have a butterfly, a flower, a fruit or anything you like. The only limit is your imagination.

15. Another Mandala-Inspired Ear Tattoo

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Why is a Mandala-Inspired design so popular? It represents the universe in India Religions. And we are all part of the Universe so it is but normal to be attracted with something related to it. Unlike the one in number six, this one is tattooed in a way that follows the shape of the earlobe. You can have your mandala tattoo made with different colors if you please.

 15. Leopard Print Ear Tattoo

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A leopard print is one of the most iconic designs found in fabrics, nail art, shoes, bags, upholstery, wall paper and now it can also be a tattoo. Having a leopard print tattoo on your ear is actually better than getting something made with real leopard skin. This is because you are not harming the animal while embracing the beauty of its amazing pattern.

 16. Anchor and Bow Ear Tattoo

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An anchor symbolizes steadfastness and stability. Because an anchor is used to keep a ship in place, an anchor may symbolize reliability or something firm like a personal conviction. The bow gives a feminine and soft touch to the anchor. It most likely communicates a message that the heart may be soft but the soul is strong and infallible

 17. Four Leaf Clover Ear Tattoo

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Want to feel lucky where ever you go? Who needs a charm bracelet when you can have a lucky charm on your skin. If you want to have that little feeling of luck anytime and anywhere you can have this tattoo of a four-leaf clover on or behind your ear.

18. Deadly Ear Tattoo

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Armed and Dangerous. That is what it feels like when you have this tattoo. If you want to look a bit badass or tough you can have these crossing knives behind your ear. If you want you can use two guns instead of knives. It tells people that they should not mess with you.

19. Dreamer Ear Tattoo

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If you don’t feel like wasting time deciphering messages from symbols then you can directly express the word or words by having it imprinted behind your ear. This tattoo that says “Dreamer” describes what you basically are, A “dreamer”, and whatever dreams you have are those your heart so desires. Being a dreamer is not a bad thing, it means you have visions, hopes, desires and wishes.

20. Butterfly Ear Tattoos

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A butterfly can mean a lot of things. According to this website, a butterfly symbolizes life. Some religions believe that a butterfly represents the soul, while for some a butterfly symbolizes resurrection. Having a butterfly ear tattoo shows people that you embrace life. On the other hand, a butterfly is a popular design for a tattoo among women because it shows grace and beauty. High School Musical actress Vanessa Hudgens has a butterfly tattoo but it is on her neck.

21. Conch Ear Tattoo

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Another tattoo perfect for the ocean lover. This colorful conch ear tattoo represents the beauty and coolness of the ocean. This kind of tattoo can give you that exotic and tropical appeal. It is a perfect compliment to your beach party get up.

22. Peacock Feather Ear Tattoo

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A peacock fans its magnificent tail to attract and impress a prospective mate. Having said that, one can say that a peacock may symbolize pride, confidence, elegance or nobility. To have an ear tattoo of a peacock or its feather is like screaming, “Look at me, here I am, I am beautiful!” You look like you are very confident and proud when you have a tattoo that is related to a peacock.

23. Paw Print Ear Tattoo

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A paw print may be simple but it is the most obvious representation of an animal, particularly a dog, lover. Express your love for your four-legged pet, maybe a cat or a dog, by having paw prints behind your ear. This tattoo keeps a man’s best friend very close to you.

24. Spider Web Ear Tattoos

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Spider-Man will appreciate you for having this tattoo on your ear. On a more serious tone, just as a spider spins its own web, a person must also spin or mold his own life or destiny with his own decisions. According to, a spider and a spider’s web remind us to be mindful of how we shape our own destiny–our own web.

25. Drama Faces Ear Tattoo

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These drama faces show two basic human feelings: happy and sad. Emotions set us apart from animals. The reason why we love drama is because it reflects our lives and our feelings. If you are the dramatic and the emotional type, this tattoo will suit you well. You can have both happy and sad faces on one side or have the happy face by one ear and the sad face by the other ear.

26. Diamond Ear Tattoo

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Diamonds are a girl’s best friend. And a best friend will be so honored if your get a tattoo that reminds you of their or its importance. For those who love diamonds you can have this diamond tattoo. There are so many diamond designs but the simplicity on this one is really intriguing and interesting. It may be simple and small but it is very stylish. Cara Delevingne also has a tattoo like this one.

27. Simple Anchor Tattoo on the Inner Ear

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This tattoo was made with simple and clean lines. An anchor as discussed in number 16 symbolizes steadfastness and reliability. An anchor tattoo is perfect for someone who is strong, stable, reliable or unbending. Get the ear tattoos for you!

28. You Only Live Once “YOLO” Tattoo

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This tattoo may have been written is simple and beautiful cursive style but its carries a very, very big meaning. Coming from the phrase, “you only live once”, YOLO reminds us to live life to the fullest and cherish every waking hour of our lives. Remember, we do live only once.

29. Love Ear Tattoo

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Love is a very powerful word. If you feel it then express it. You can express love in many ways and one of which is to have the “L” inked permanently on your skin. When the word is close to your ear, it would feel like it is constantly whispered. This love tattoo can be done in any style of writing but the cursive manner in which the word “love” is written is just perfect. On the other hand, instead of the word “love” you can use any word like “hope”, “peace”, “joy” etc. The only limitation here is your imagination.

30. Heart Ear Tattoo

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Hearts are really cute and a heart symbolizes love or emotion. You can make your heart tattoo more unique and personal by adding lines or any other accent. The red color helps the heart tattoo stand out. Take note that having a heart tattoo is like telling people that you are in love or inspired.

31. Lines Ear Tattoo

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This tattoo is made with intricate lines that look like lacework. Some may even look at it as an antique-style jewelry. Either way it is really unique, neat and beautiful even if there are no other colors, only black lines.

32. Vegetable Ear Tattoo

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Remember how your mom tells you to eat your vegetables? That is what this tattoo is also trying to tell you. This tattoo is perfect for any vegetarian. Nevertheless, carrots and peas do go together. So if you want something fun and healthy have this kind of ear tattoo as both a reminder and a fun design. You can select other vegetables if you like, maybe a cabbage or a broccoli. It is all up to you.

33. Dream-Catcher Ear Tattoo

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According to, dream-catchers originate from Native American people. Dream-catchers are believed to bring good dreams while keeping away nightmares or bad dreams. A dream-catcher tattoo can bear the same significance.

34. Initials Ear Tattoo

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What could be more personal than your own initials tattooed on your skin? Just pick a certain type of font, use that with your initials and…Voila! A very personal and interesting tattoo? It can also be a conversation starter since people will be asking what those letters stand for.

35. Alien Ear Tattoo

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Are you fascinated with government conspiracy, area 51, alien life? Well the truth is out there. And remind yourself of that by having this face of a Martian, that famous green alien, tattooed on your ear.

36. Reptile Ear Tattoo

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Do you love reptiles? Then you can use reptiles as a design for your tattoo. You can have a silhouette of a lizard just like this one. Or you can choose another reptile like a snake, a crocodile, a gecko or a turtle. Reptiles are beautiful because they are tough and mysterious.

37. Snowflake Ear Tattoo

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The snow is made of snowflakes that have unique hexagonal shapes. These hexagonal shapes are beautiful and magical and that makes this ear tattoo interesting and perfect of a lady with an enchanting cool beauty. As a tattoo, you don’t need to limit yourself to one snowflake only. You can have two or three or even more depending on how you arrange the snowflakes on your ear or around your ear. I can help you look cool on a red hot summer day.

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